About: The nation’s largest provider of video, high-speed internet, and voice services both B2B and B2C. Own nearly 20 cable network channels, 5 broadcast television channels, film entertainment & distribution, and theme parks worldwide.
Who We Support
- Platinum Customer: Escalations, VIP Level
- Digital Voice: Tier I & II
- Caller ID: Tier I & II
- Digital Voicemail: Tier I & II
- Directory Listing: Tier II & III
What We Do
- Trouble Shooting
- Help Ticket Creation
- Process Management
- IB Call, Initiate Ticket
- Business to Consumer
- Line & Voicemail Testing
- Back Office Data Entry
- Data Reconciliation
- OB Call, Verify Information
- Business to Business
How We Are Measured
- First Call Resolution
- Average Handle Time
- Time to Repair
- Repeat Rates (after repair)
- Consumer Experience
Previous business support and services include: Wireless Customer Care, High Speed Data Care, Telephone Auditing, E911 Reconciliation, Home Cable TV Support, Video/DVR Support, Disaster Relief Support, and others.